Software Developer

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rapidshare terminal downloader for linux

rapiddownloader - is a small rapidshare console utility for linux written in JRuby. What it can do - is to handle multiple links and wait for timing in free account. So you can just leave it with a bunch of urls and be busy with your stuff.

Usage is quite simple:

rapiddownloader.rb {site1} {site2} {site3}

Just place it in your $PATH location, make it executable and thats it.
Depends on JRuby, Java and Wget

Google Site

I have made my google site where i plan to upload my dotfiles and utilities.
Here is the link

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adobe Flex Builder Alpha is available for Linux

I am very happy that it is already possible (seems like it is available already for a long time - but somehow I couldn't find it before):

But note that eclipse 3.3.x is required

1/ workaround:

2/ there is a patch - but probably for the eariler version:
(Some details about mxml editor and eclipse 3.4: )